The roommate and I woke up to a little dusting of snow this morning. Oh, what a beautiful sight that was. (
for anyone that doesn't know, i moved to montana last winter to work on the mountain and be a ski bum. i liked it. so i stayed. it was the first winter that i went up
consistently, and i very quickly became addicted to that white powdery, no, no. i'm not talking about cocaine, i mean the white powder that comes from the sky...........anyway, i'm addicted) It may have only been an inch or so, but I didn't care. Snow is one of the most beautiful sights I can think of, because that means snowboarding season is almost here (
or skiing, if you have so chosen to go that route). And the sooner snowboarding season comes, the sooner I get to use my beautiful, brand-new (
last year's model) snowboard *le sigh* (
it's a Pandora NeverSummer.....just in case you were wondering. because i know you were).
**this is were i would insert the picture I had taken of my new baby.....but due to the fact that my board and i have yet to have a photo-sesh, and, at the moment, my camera is in the process of trying to de-fog itself....those photos will have to wait. ps: mine is the black one **Anyway, there was snow this morning. First snow of the season (
technically, i suppose it was
the second. but since i was on my way to seattle and missed the first, that one doesn't count). I was really excited and wanted to document the said snowfall. So I busted out my newly-charged little digital camera (
being that i'm in the "process" of becoming a professional photographer i have like 5 cameras.....two of which are digital, one being a big fancy Nikon D50, the other being my handy little Cannon Powershot......which, i think, is/was? absolutely fabulous) and started

taking pictures of our snowy deck. (
that's our little tomato plant. i'm pretty sure it didn't survive the snow. it's looking a little pathetic now) That photo session didn't last very long because I was still in my pajamas and slippers, and, like I said, it was snowing. But when I got inside, I still wanted to play with my camera..........and then there was Rambo.

<------This is Rambo. Rambo is the replacement fish for Mr. T (
may he rest in peace). It is all Rambo's fault that my camera is currently out of commission (
hopefully not permanently, because if that is the case i'll be really really REALLY sad, and my have to resort to selling my body so i can buy a new one, because i NEED to have my cameras. i'll die with out them. i'm not even joking. i really will.) Anyway. Like I said. It's his fault my camera is broken. If he wasn't so damn photogenic, and red, and fun to take pictures of.......I wouldn't be in the situation that I'm in. So there I was, trying to get a good picture of Rambo. He's got this really cool black tint on the back of his tail, but he kept flipping around just when I was about to get it. So then I thought I'd try to shoot him from above (because you could really see how bright red he is)......and then........*plop*.......down goes my camera in his vase. (i think he was actually trying to steal it. Mr. T would never have done anything like that.....) It was hardly in there for even a second.......and I immediately pulled out the battery and the memory card and let everything dry out. That was at about 10:00 this morning, and the last time I checked (which was about 20 minutes ago) the lens still had condensation inside of it, and it was still foggy.

<------that is the picture I was taking when the "incident" occurred.
And that is the story of how a fish named Rambo broke my camera.
The camera is sitting by the heater. Still trying to dry out.
Thanks a lot, Rambo.
1 comment:
Perhaps you should name the next fishie "Gandhi":)
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